Sunday, August 16, 2009

Genesis of "The Mango Tree, Loi Kroh Road"

When I first read the draft manuscript of this book, I was blown away. Before I started reading it, I wondered why is this guy writing about Thailand? I just didn't see it being a subject friendly book topic. But, I came to learn that it was much much more than just a book about Thailand. It's a story about life.

It begins with a young man in New Zealand who is urged by his father to escape the mundane essence of life as a farmer. He was given the final push and encouraged to see and experience the world. Something every person should do. But, we are either too frightened, or feel that we "should" do the proper things upon graduation of high, job, marriage, children and so on. Instead, we wind up seeing life as Larry's (the main character) father.

Whether you are milking a cow on a farm, changing diapers on a baby or drafting reports for a boss...the mundane suddenly becomes missed opportunities. An all too familiar theme for those wishing to play it safe.

Life is worth taking a chance that makes your heart pound. You may experience unbelievable pain and grief from taking a chance, but you also risk that you may experience the most profound joy and happiness imaginable.

What would YOU do?

Buy the book. C'mon...take a chance.

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